Khadija strongly believes in eliminating discrimination from all aspects of her professional life.
Khadija takes into account the BSB’s Equality and Diversity Code. Her policy is to deal with lay and professional clients, and all others who have dealings with her chambers without any distinction on the grounds of race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), sex, pregnancy and maternity, disability, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, religion or belief, age and gender reassignment. Khadija is committed in ensuring that her legal services are accessible and takes into account the needs of those who face discrimination and, that, in order to achieve equality of access, positive steps are taken to eliminate discrimination. Further Khadija does not condone harassment.
Diversity Data.
The Bar Code of Conduct requires chambers to invite other members of chambers (barristers) and staff to provide diversity data and to publish an anonymised summary of that data. A diversity data report remains unavailable because since 2016, Khadija has practised as a sole practitioner and manages the administration of her own chambers. She is unable to offer mini-pupillages and pupillages.
Adjustments to the delivery of services.
Khadija is committed to providing an excellent service to her clients. She receives instructions via email and by post and will make arrangements for meetings with clients. If you have a disability and would like arrangements to be made for the delivery of services (such as documents to be sent to you in an alternative format or the way in which meetings should be organised), please let Khadija know when you make contact with her.
Date: 8 October 2023